2024 Goals Update
At our annual meeting in April 2024 we brainstormed a set of goals for the coming year. We've been working on the top 5 goals from that list since then. The following is a status report on how we've done. Overall, I think the progress is good. We will update these goals at our 2025 annual meeting.
#1 – Public Affairs
Goal: Promote chapter functions and activities; work with local media and social media platforms; publicize the activities and projects of the chapter.
Status: In progress. Have reached out to members twice for volunteers to assist in this role. No one has expressed an interest thus far.
#2 - Vet Assistance
Goal: Develop criteria for making awards. Evaluate requests for assistance from veterans and widows and make recommendations.
Status: Complete. New procedure and associated form published in 2024.
#3 - Legacy
Goal: Identify legacy opportunities for the chapter and how these would be implemented (one-time donation, foundation, trust fund, etc.)
Status: In Progress. Made 3 one-time donations in 2024:
#4 - Membership
Goal: Expand membership
Status: In Progress. Two initiatives launched.
#5 – Town Hall Alternative
Goal: Identify alternative outreach program to Agent Orange Town Halls
Status: In Progress. We are gearing up to launch Community Outreach Tables in 2025. There would be one table a month at local Bi-Mart stores. We will have literature to hand out plus membership packets, 50th Anniversary pins, and Vietnam poppies.
Steve Carr
USAF 1966-1970
VVA Chapter 392 President